Best iPhone Twitter app comes down to Tweetie vs. Twittelator Pro

Tweetie screenshot main page

Tweetie screenshot main page

Gizmodo’s new comprehensive review of iPhone apps evaluated many more than I did (“ten zillion”), but matches my own experience. We both narrow it down to Tweetie vs. Twittelator Pro.

I’ve been switching back and forth between the two for the last month or two. Either is a great app with the edge for smoothness going to Tweetie (which also seems to display more tweets on the page). The edge for pure power goes to Twittelator Pro.

Twittelator Pro screenshot main page

Twittelator has a great feature I wish was included in other iPhone apps:  a button to scroll down a whole page at a time. This is especially useful in catching up with a long list of tweets. This is the only app I’ve seen with this functionality, so it’s a nice innovation.

The other power feature I make use of in Twittelator is the ability to define my own saved searches.

I can’t think of anything in Tweetie that Twittelator doesn’t do (well, there are fart noises and the flashlight if you enable the Popularity Enhancer).

Despite all that, my current swing is in favor of Tweetie, though I still switch it up. Which do you prefer?

8 thoughts on “Best iPhone Twitter app comes down to Tweetie vs. Twittelator Pro

  1. Cool, I'll have to find that! One of the things about both of them is that the advanced functionality just doesn't seem that intuitive, and even after I've found it, I don't always seem to be able to easily do it (touch areas too small?)

  2. Twit Pro for TwitterTwit Pro is full-featured, super-fast Twitter client for iPhone & iPod-Touch with powerful functionality for directly posting messages, photos, videos from iPhone, handling multiple twitter accounts, aggregating the hottest stories on twitter, offline-mode, uploading videos/photos to facebook and much more..Click here to download from iTunes at:…Twit Pro for Twitter (FREE)Twit Pro (FREE) is full-featured, super-fast, powerful Twitter client for iPhone/ iPod-Touch with rich functionality of posting messages, photos & videos, tweet symbols (? ? ? ??), geotagging, offline-mode & much more…(including universal landscape) Click here to download from iTunes:

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